Monday, August 27, 2012

Monetary Gifts

Hi there,
I am rambling off a list of projects I have completed in the last couple of months for my sister's shower, I really should have been posting them as I completed them but the element of surprise kept me from posting all of my projects.  I am now trying to post them, in the order I remembered completing them.  If you have any questions about any of these projects, would like a tutorial or would like to inquire about my services please feel free to email me.

Due to distance we did a Monetary or gift card shower, which meant I needed something in which to place the cards.  I got the idea of using an antique doll stroller to store the envelopes.  I found an antique stroller, she was a little worse for wear but quite charming.  With a little bit of elbow grease and some crafty ingenuity, the card holder was created and also a beautiful heirloom to pass along as a gift. 


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