Monday, August 27, 2012

Shower Center Pieces

For centerpieces I had envisioned trees with little bird's nests containing one blue egg and one pink egg, with a Mother bird looking down upon the nest.  Apparently we weren't going to have a gender themed shower because the sex of the baby was to be a suprise :)  For the base of the trees I just used mason jars wrapped in burlap and chocolate velvet ribbon.  I wanted it to be a mixture of nature, elegance and casual.  I went to the local craft store which I shall leave not mention the name and found their nests expensive $7 per nest, so a bit of trial and error and I came up with my own.  These were alot of work but I was happy with the end result.  It's just too bad a week after the shower I saw packages of nests at Walmart 5 in a box for $6.  Oh well it's like the expression goes "You always find it when you're not looking for it..." Besides I like mine better they have that added personal touch:)  I also draped some beads, crystals and hot glued some flowers to the branches to give it a more whymsical look.

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